East Bay Rent Control Update

Rent Control Update: A booming economy and lack of housing options has resulted in rising rents in many Bay Area communities and some East Bay cities are considering rent control ordinances.

Last August, the City of Richmond adopted an ordinance limiting rent increases and the establishment of just-cause eviction. Late last week, in response to a petition from Richmond residents opposed to the new rent control policies, the City of Richmond repealed the ordinance.

For more information please click here.

Meanwhile, Fremont City Council member Vinnie Bacon has asked city staff to research rent control and just-cause eviction policies in Fremont. Fremont currently has a rent mediation ordinance similar to San Leandro's. Representatives from the Rental Housing Association and Bay East staff met with Fremont officials this week to discuss Council member Bacon's request and concerns from affordable housing advocates. Options may include beefing up the current mediation ordinance to require landlords to participate in rent dispute meetings with tenants.


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