MLSlistings, the MLS for the South Bay, released their mid-year data analysis. Home Sales Heading Downward, Prices Upward in Key Northern California Housing Markets For the first time since February of 2015, single-family home sales fell across all five counties of Silicon Valley and the northern California coast. Santa Cruz County was down 36% , Santa Clara County fell 18% , San Mateo County dropped 14% , Monterey County declined 4% , and San Benito County dropped 2% . July sales were also lower than June in all five counties. Santa Clara County saw the largest drop of 21% , followed by 16% in San Mateo County, 15% in Monterey County, 14% in San Benito County, and 12% in Santa Cruz County. Year over year single-family homes inventory showed gains in all MLSListings counties, except Santa Cruz, which dropped 5% . San Benito County grew 31% , followed by San M