What is a 1031 Exchange?
I got a question from a client asking what a 1031 Exchange was and thought I'd share with everyone else. Per one of my vendors (IPX1031) who help me with these transactions-- 1031 Exchanges are an important strategic investment tool for many investors and businesses as the real estate investment market’s momentum continues to escalate. Following are key review points when considering a 1031 tax-deferred Exchange: 1031 Exchanges are used to defer taxes on investment real estate and personal property. Some personal property examples are business equipment, farm machinery, franchise rights, corporate jets, livestock, boats, trucks, fleets of autos, buses, race horses, artwork, collectibles, musical instruments, and distribution routes. 1031 Exchanges simply defer taxes. Section 1031 is not a tax loop hole or tax avoidance, but sound tax code that has been used for almost a century to promote the US economy. 1031 Exchanges allow taxpayers to defer capital gains tax, depreciat...