I know this blog pertains to real estate, but this issue will probably affect quite a few people's home values. Ever wonder on those random days when the wind blows in from the South, where the sweet/rancid odor comes from? Well, it comes from the landfill off of 880/Dixon Landing. And the company that manages it wants to make it even bigger. As a reference, I grew up in Southern Fremont and could literally count on my hands over 2 decades the number of times that I smelled the landfill. Fast forward to now in Central Fremont, I smell it more frequently than ever before. My heart and nose really go out to those currently living in Milpitas, Southern Fremont, and North San Jose who take the brunt of the foul smell everyday. So if you're wondering what's happening on this issue, San Jose has delayed the vote to expand the landfill-- http://www.mercurynews.com/milpitas/ci_27374273/san-jose-planners-delay-vote-newby-island-landfill Milpitas is looking to...